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Over 30 Years of Experience
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Simply put, there's always something going on at Sports Hollow. We offer classes and range training throughout the year. Check out our upcoming events or special classes and mark your calendars.
If you've got any questions or if you'd like more information on class schedules, contact our staff or visit our store today.
The Craig Haukaas Memorial
High Power Rifle Tournament
Dates: 12/22, 1/5, 1/19, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2, 3/16, 4/6, 4/20
2025 Tournament Rules:
Any high-powered center fire rifle .338 caliber or less, less than 25lb.
Any scope, any bipod, or shooting bags.
No mechanical rests except per Open class.
Course of fire:
Scored on an MR-31 target, at the caliber of the rifle, at 300yrds.
The actual aiming point is an MR-31 target.
Total time for a relay is 15 minutes.
Competitors will set up, fire 2 sighters and 20 rounds for record in 15 minutes.
When time commences, competitors will begin setting up and fire when ready.
Competition is scored electronically on shotmarker systems.
The electronic record is final.
Tournament Scoring:
The overall tournament scores as follows:
Competitors must compete in at least 5 days out of 10 to be eligible for the tournament grand aggregate.
Competitors may compete in any number of days for an individual day competitions and awards.
Competitors shall choose any one match per day for score.
Grand aggregate is the 5 best day scores that a competitor posts.
All additional scores shall be dropped.
Day payout is broken down by class (A, B, C) per posted rules.
Match Entry Fee:
Cost for entry is $20 per match.
For each match, $5/competitor will be entered into the grand aggregate. Other payout will be determined per match day.
Overall Tournament Grand aggregate payout will be 3 places deep.
"B" class winner will be alloted $100 of the tournament aggregate.
A Class: Score of 197-200.
B Class: Score of 180-196.
C Class: Score of 179 or less.
Open class:
Any competitor may compete in Open class.
Open class scores are separate and shall not count for the day aggregate payout or tournament aggregate.
$13 entry, winner take all (minus tech and range) unless 5 or more competitors, then 75/25 1st/2nd place split.
Class is open to all competitors.
Equipment Allowances: any mechanical rest, any rifle weight.
Once you have shot in a class, you cannot drop a class. All competitors without a known score begin in the "B" class.
We Sell Name-Brands From Browning to Zeiss
Visit our store today for top-quality firearms.
Nice gun shop.
- Tammy Cannoy Bender
Trap Season Starts
May 7th 2025
to get on a team!
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